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ADHD is a neurological disorder and
there is
no quick fix.
Our. brains. are. different.
I consider it a privilege to be one part of your journey as you learn how to thrive with ADHD.
Yes, it is possible!

You want to:

  1. Be more consistent in your relationship with God

  2. Be more consistent and disciplined in general

  3. Stop making careless mistakes

  4. Have better focus

  5. Follow through and finish things

  6. Get started on stuff without undue procrastination

  7. Improve your organization of tasks and activities

  8. Stop losing things

  9. Stop being so distracted by your thoughts and stimuli in your environment

  10. Stop forgetting daily activities and action items

  11. Rest.

  12. Be free from shame and being untruthful & unkind to yourself in your mind

  13. Know how to advocate for yourself with your coworkers, family & friends

Lionheart ADHD Coaching is unique, and designed to have a lasting impact on your life. Coaching is highly relational, fun, educational and strength-based.
We focus on deep learning, skill-development & systems.



  • Free Discovery

  • 6 ADHD Classes

  • Executive Functioning Skills Assessment

  • Daily 3-5 minute Check-Ins to set goals 

  • Access to my coaching platform and dozens of resources such as podcasts, sermons & articles

  • Text support & regular accountability

  • Executive Functioning Skills prayer resource​



  • Free Discovery

  • 6 ADHD Coaching Sessions (including Welcome & Farewell Session)

  • 6 ADHD Classes

  • 8 Point Checkins

  • Executive Functioning Skills Assessment

  • College clients also take the College Readiness Assessment

  • Daily 3-5 minute Check-Ins to set goals 

  • Personalized Weekly Work Schedule

  • Access to my coaching platform and dozens of resources such as podcasts, sermons & articles

  • Text support & regular accountability

  • Executive Functioning Skills prayer resource​



  • Free Discovery

  • 12 ADHD Coaching Sessions (including Welcome & Farewell Session)

  • 6 ADHD Classes

  • 8 Point Checkins

  • Executive Functioning Skills Assessment

  • College clients also take the College Readiness Assessment

  • Daily 3-5 minute Check-Ins to set goals 

  • Personalized Weekly Work Schedule

  • Access to my coaching platform and dozens of resources such as podcasts, sermons & articles

  • Text support & regular accountability

  • Executive Functioning Skills prayer resource​

ADHD Classes

No, you are not reading these books! But I have read them and many others and have designed  virtual classes for your beautiful and complex brain. There are several research-based lessons on key issues related to ADHD we will cover. These classes will change you because they will change the way you see ADHD and yourself. We cover metacognition, motivation, goal-directed persistence, nutrition, sleep & time management, just to name a few. These classes are mandatory.


8 Point Check-Ins

We do frequent 8-Point Checks on the areas of your life that ADHD impacts the most, including nutrition, sleep, tech habits and our inner narrative. Checking on these areas is key so that you learn when you are out of balance & how to re-center. So much of having ADHD is seeing our lives through a peephole-it is hard for us to get the overview. If you are in college, we will also check your grades in each class.

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We Meet Twice a Week

Both the Bootcamp & Mastery Programs include the meeting twice a week because coaching is best when it is consistent. We work in 6-week rotations, for 2-5 hours a week for the first 6 weeks. After the first 6 weeks we determine the schedule that works best moving forward. This schedule is different than other ADHD coaches. Standard ADHD coaching typically is one hour per week with a text check-in mid-week. In my experience, this is not enough time to develop skills in my clients, who need frequent breaks due to attentional fatigue, time to find misplaced materials & data, as well as time to absorb the teaching portion of the sessions.


Weekly Work Schedule

If you choose the Bootcamp or Mastery program, we custom-design your time management system, allowing for your unique time horizon & time blindness. We go over all you have to get done in the coming week, and make sure it is in your calendar with the appropriate reminders and alarms. I also check in with you frequently in the beginning because ADHD is typically activated by accountability. If you are a college client, your work schedule includes coaching session times, class location and time, professor office hours, academic support appointments, workouts, games/meets, team meetings, work time, study time, recreational & social activities, etc. The Weekly Work Schedules are not included in the Classes only option.

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ADHD can create a unique kind of lonliness.
It's tough when you feel like your mind betrays you everyday.
At Lionheart, you have a partner dedicated to your success.
Together, we work on your spiritual, mental, emotional, social & educational development as it pertains to your ADHD.


Christian ADHD Coaching for a Focused and Faithful Life.


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